A Quaker Meeting in
Camas, Washington
We are a participatory, inclusive, Christ-centered, Quaker meeting that seeks to live out our faith by loving God and loving our neighbors.
We are diverse in our beliefs, backgrounds, and personal experiences. This is an asset to who we are. We work to be a welcoming community for all people, one that loves without judgment.
It is important to us to be active in our community and to care for those in need the best we can. We are open to dialogue, we like good questions, and we value the practice of listening. More About Being Quaker »

Camas Friends Church is committed to the full participation of LGBTQ+ persons in the life of our community.
Loving Our Neighbors
We believe in the practice of direct care and so provide food, shelter, and clean laundry for folks in our community. We also seek systemic change and actively speak out against violence, exclusion, and oppression.
Meeting Together
We meet for worship every Sunday and create opportunities throughout the week for folks to engage, support, and learn from one another. We are now meeting in-person as well as providing virtual participation. See you Sunday at 10:45.
Book Discussion Group
Wednesdays, 7pm-8:15pm
Join us to discuss Amy-Jill Levine’s
Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi.