Joseph, Trauma, and Resilience

(Guest Speaker: Jade Souza)

Jade Souza is an attender at Camas Friends and in her second semester at Earlham School of Religion (ESR). In collaboration with ESR and in support of Jade's studies and calling, this is the second of three sermons Jade will give at CFC during the '20-'21 school year.

Genesis 50:20 (NRSV): Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today.


Do I approach the Bible as a “place to make friends”? How does this change my readings?

When I encounter traumas do I still know that I am a beloved child of God?

Do I see my life as a gift to future generations, as a part of God’s promise?

What if it is true that God is present and all-creative in everything I experience, even traumatic events? What does that make possible?


Christ Within


Your Light Shall Rise