Word of the Year: Repair

Camas Friends Church will continue its tradition of having a theme or focal “word of the year.” Our word for 2024 is REPAIR. Please journey with us as we grow in our understanding of what “repair” means for Camas Friends Church in 2024. The following queries might provides some direction for you as you discern the implications and invitations of this word for you and for our meeting in the coming year…


Where is the loving work of repair most needed right now?

How am I participating in the work of repairing the Earth?

Where am I called to help others repair their relationships?

What is my responsibility to make reparations, particularly to the descendents of those harmed by colonization and enslavement?

How can I repair the harm I have caused another person?

What systems are not working and in need of repair?

In what ways am I in need of repair?

How do we navigate what feels beyond repair?

When could repair be the wrong goal?

In what ways is Jesus a model of reparative love?

How do the Quaker testimonies–simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship–intersect with the work of repair?

Where are we stuck and what will help us move forward?

What is broken and what can we do to fix it?

Instead of buying something new, what can I have repaired?

What reparative practices will help me be in right relationship with others?

Image Design: Erica Stupfel

Photo from inside of tree looking up: Matt Boswell