Our Pastor
Matt Boswell
Greetings! I have cherished being a part of Camas Friends Church since 2015, along with my wife Joann and kids Kai (12) and Renee (10) and Teddy (8). This Quaker meeting (congregation) is a wonderful expression of a Love-centered, Christ-guided spirituality that values justice, peace, mysticism, diversity, tradition, mystery, listening, inclusion, community, and participation. CFC practices a spacious, caring, and hopeful spirituality. I am so glad to be a part of this.
I completed my PhD in Christian Spirituality at the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, CA) in 2016. My work focused especially on spiritual formation, theories of love and hope, and virtue ethics. My first book, published in 2018, is entitled The Way to Love: Reimagining Christian Spiritual Growth as the Hopeful Path of Virtue. I have been an adjunct instructor at the University of Portland for the last five years, where I teach “Engaging Ultimate Questions,” an introductory theology course (THE-105).
I love hiking, running, walking, gardening, Mariners baseball, visiting Pacific City, Mcmenamins passport-stamp-collecting, streaming shows with Joann, games with my kids, and returning your email, as soon as possible! :)
You can visit my personal website to learn more: mattboswellpnw.com