The Good We’ve Been Given
Why is gratitude so important? What might be the relationship between gratitude and Love? What are my growth areas in regard to gratitude? What am I being invited to receive?
The Heroic Talent-Burier
What is the message I am receiving today through this parable? In what ways is “resistance” a positive part of my spirituality? How do I live out this resistance? What non-life-affirming realities of our world am I being called to resist? What would acts of resistance to these realities look like?
Grief and Hope (Guest Speaker: Jazmin Miller-Price)
Do I give myself and others enough space and opportunity to grieve deeply? What kind of relationship do I have with grief and hope? How do I experience both together? How can I accept death and living, loss and abundance, as they coexist in me?
Vindicate Me, O God
Whose distress am I most mindful of today? Who am I feeling led to defend? In what ways have I been like an enemy to those who are most vulnerable? Why do I have hope, as I listen to those pleading for vindication, refuge, and joy?
Instructions for iTunes
Here’s how you can subscribe using iTunes:
First, you need to have the iTunes music player on your computer which is a free download and works with both PC and Macs.
Second, once you have iTunes downloaded and opened on your computer click this link to go directly to the podcast.
Third, Click subscribe on the Camas Friends Church podcast and your download will begin.
Fourth, Click in the left hand column iTunes on “podcast” and you should see the latest from Camas Friends there. Double click to listen.
If the link above doesn’t work you can…
Click in the left column on iTunes music store.
(Once in the store) Search in the search box (top right corner) – “Camas Friends Church” once it comes up, click on the icon and select subscribe.
Follow point #4 above to listen.