A Mystery Revealed! (Guest Speaker: Earl Smith)

Earl Smith is an activist and a mystic. Although raised a Presbyterian, he has deep roots in the Quaker culture. During high school, he developed an interest in legislative activities and through out his life he has been an advocate for many issues. As a young college student, God called him to attend seminary. While studying at Earlham School of Religion, he lobbied for the Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation with what was known as the God Squad -- the head of the Indiana Catholic Conference and the head of the Indiana Conference of Churches. He has been a member of the Friends Committee on National Legislation General Committee for 30 years. He has a B.A. in political science from Indiana University and a M. Div. from Earlham School of Religion. He is one of the editors of the Quaker journal What Canst Thou Say which contains stories of mystical experience and the growth that comes through contemplative practice.


What is your other vocation?

How are you revealing the mystery of life?

How is the Spirit of Christ working in your life?


Abundance, Everywhere


Embracing the Multifaceted Nature of God (Guest Speaker: Bonnie Stanfill)