“Connections” (Extended Open Worship)

Today we heard the SCYMF 2022 Annual Sessions “Epistle” read aloud (Jazmin) and also gave our beloved and recently resigned admin assistant (Kendra) a celebratory farewell—and the “last word.” We also spent some time in open worship reflecting on “connections,” our word of the year.

Here are the queries from today…

What practices help me feel connected to God? What actions express my connection to God?

How can I best honor my sacred connection to the land?

How can I strengthen my connection to myself? What might indicate a deepening, healthy, loving connection to myself?

How can we cultivate more loving, just connections between peoples of the earth? How will these connections prioritize the liberation and safety of the most vulnerable among us?

What causes disconnection? Where is there disconnection in my life and world? How can we repair these disconnections?

What already existing and important connections am I beginning to recognize? What new and crucial connections are being formed?


Authentic Spirituality, Authentic Humanity


How to Pray