Peace and Justice Meet: A Presentation by Friends International Medical Teams

Psalm 85:10

Mari Kay, Henry, Jose, and Eric shared about their recent trip with Friends International Medical Teams to the Dominican Republic. FIMT is a group of health care providers and interpreters who bring free medical care to underserved populations in our international community. They collaborate with Friends churches in the US and in the locations where they set up their free clinics.

Psalm 85:10:

“Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet: righteousness and peace will kiss each other.”


What do we all need to experience communal, global harmony? What are the signs of its emergence?

How can we harmoniously work together? How can CFC harmoniously collaborate with others?

How will we resist the destructive forces in our world that undermine harmony or block harmony from emerging? How will we support others in their resistance?

First Word: Eunice Ingermanson

Click HERE to view the "Minute in Support of Immigrants and Refugees" read by Eunice.


Angelic Troublemakers