Peace and Justice Meet: A Presentation by Friends International Medical Teams
Mari Kay, Henry, Jose, and Eric will be sharing about their recent trip with Friends International Medical Teams to the Dominican Republic. FIMT is a group of health care providers and interpreters who bring free medical care to underserved populations in our international community. We collaborate with Friends Churches in the US and in the location where we set up our free clinics.
Angelic Troublemakers
How does today’s scripture give clarity to our present reality?
How do the words of Bayard Rustin give clarity to my next steps?
What is Divine Love trying to say and do through me? Am I willing to say and do it?
“How long?” What frustrations does this question reflect, for me?
The Merciful Truth
What possibly upsetting but necessary and loving thing might we need to say or do?
Am I hospitable to feedback that will help me more fully love my neighbor?
How am I working to create a more inclusive harmony among us?
Who, specifically, needs mercy right now?
The Courage to Try (Guest Speaker: Tori Williams Douglass)
Tori Williams Douglass is an educator, speaker, and writer specializing in antiracism, social justice, and community resilience. Drawing from her personal journey of leaving purity culture and her work in nervous system-based social justice training, Tori offers insights into building inclusive, compassionate communities rooted in love and equity. She has helped raise over $100,000 in direct support for individuals in need across the U.S. and is passionate about equipping people of faith to confront bias and foster systemic change. Tori is also the host of a podcast exploring the intersections of faith, justice, and personal transformation.
A Gifted and Activated Community
What invitations, challenges, and opportunities do you hear within or in light of today’s text about a participatory, gifted, and activated community?
When You Pass Through the Waters
Where is harmony in this passage?
How does this text speak to my experience of God?
For whom have I been this loving presence?
Who has been this loving presence in my life?
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First, you need to have the iTunes music player on your computer which is a free download and works with both PC and Macs.
Second, once you have iTunes downloaded and opened on your computer click this link to go directly to the podcast.
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Fourth, Click in the left hand column iTunes on “podcast” and you should see the latest from Camas Friends there. Double click to listen.
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(Once in the store) Search in the search box (top right corner) – “Camas Friends Church” once it comes up, click on the icon and select subscribe.
Follow point #4 above to listen.