What is Spirituality?
What is most striking, to me, about Paul’s words? (Eph 3:14-21)
What is true of my (or our) spirituality? How do I experience reverence, connection, power, indwelling presence, Love, understanding, limits, movement, and hope?
As I reflect on my own “experience of conscious involvement in the project of life-integration through self-transcendence toward the horizon of ultimate value (I) perceive,” what do I notice?
Repairing Trauma: Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast (Guest Speaker: Jim Miller)
What are issues I need to address?
What strength and tools do I have to use?
How can I support others, the planet, and myself to heal?
Justice in the Land
How does “love of neighbor” inform how I approach this year’s election?
What might Jeremiah–or Jesus–say to USAmericans in this election year?
How am I experiencing grief, anger, or hope in response to our nation and world?
Where do I long to see reparative justice?
Shake it Off
What part of Jesus’s experience or guidance in today’s scripture is most striking or helpful to me today?
Where do I encounter Love in this text?
Where have I experienced–or could I experience–the liberation of letting go?
Intro to Extended Open Worship (Repair)
Where is the loving work of repair most needed right now?
How am I participating in the work of repairing the Earth?
Where am I called to help others repair their relationships?
How can I repair the harm I have caused another person?
What systems are not working and in need of repair?
How do we navigate what feels beyond repair?
When could repair be the wrong goal?
Where are we stuck and what will help us move forward?
Instead of buying something new, what can I have repaired?
An Ally in the Storm
Who is perishing? What are they telling us they need?
How am I feeling guided by Jesus’s example in this scene?
How do I know when someone truly cares about me?
What does it mean to be an ally for a marginalized group?
Instructions for iTunes
Here’s how you can subscribe using iTunes:
First, you need to have the iTunes music player on your computer which is a free download and works with both PC and Macs.
Second, once you have iTunes downloaded and opened on your computer click this link to go directly to the podcast.
Third, Click subscribe on the Camas Friends Church podcast and your download will begin.
Fourth, Click in the left hand column iTunes on “podcast” and you should see the latest from Camas Friends there. Double click to listen.
If the link above doesn’t work you can…
Click in the left column on iTunes music store.
(Once in the store) Search in the search box (top right corner) – “Camas Friends Church” once it comes up, click on the icon and select subscribe.
Follow point #4 above to listen.